Am I in the right place?

Jan 1, 2024

Am I in the right place in my career?

I was reading this article by Hardik Pandya called "Are You at the Right Workplace?" and it got me thinking...

I've been evaluating things in my life, as we all do around the new year; I reflected on how I've gone about this in the past. Not just at the beginning of each year but throughout my life and career. I thought back to the time I spent 8 months interviewing for something new. After a few months of rejections, it really made me take a beat and reflect. After a long conversation with a mentor of mine, I realized I needed to go back to the basics and define some values for myself:

  • What do I want now?

  • What do I want 3-5 years from now?

  • What makes me happy at work?

  • What makes me unhappy at work?

Just like the exercises we use in workshop methodologies like the Design Sprint or the Brand Sprint, we can go back to the basics, use a simple values framework, and perform our own little workshop for any decision in life.

In his article, Hardik does a great job of showing how you can apply this simple framework to determine if you're at the right workplace. He's broken down the suitable workplace into 3 fundamental values. After he figured out the 3 things that matter most for a workplace, he defined questions to help answer if those values are being met.

Sometimes, designers must remember to apply our knowledge and skills to ourselves and our lives. But I want to remind you that we should because of how easy it is and how powerful it can be!

Jan 1, 2024

Am I in the right place in my career?

I was reading this article by Hardik Pandya called "Are You at the Right Workplace?" and it got me thinking...

I've been evaluating things in my life, as we all do around the new year; I reflected on how I've gone about this in the past. Not just at the beginning of each year but throughout my life and career. I thought back to the time I spent 8 months interviewing for something new. After a few months of rejections, it really made me take a beat and reflect. After a long conversation with a mentor of mine, I realized I needed to go back to the basics and define some values for myself:

  • What do I want now?

  • What do I want 3-5 years from now?

  • What makes me happy at work?

  • What makes me unhappy at work?

Just like the exercises we use in workshop methodologies like the Design Sprint or the Brand Sprint, we can go back to the basics, use a simple values framework, and perform our own little workshop for any decision in life.

In his article, Hardik does a great job of showing how you can apply this simple framework to determine if you're at the right workplace. He's broken down the suitable workplace into 3 fundamental values. After he figured out the 3 things that matter most for a workplace, he defined questions to help answer if those values are being met.

Sometimes, designers must remember to apply our knowledge and skills to ourselves and our lives. But I want to remind you that we should because of how easy it is and how powerful it can be!

Jan 1, 2024

Am I in the right place in my career?

I was reading this article by Hardik Pandya called "Are You at the Right Workplace?" and it got me thinking...

I've been evaluating things in my life, as we all do around the new year; I reflected on how I've gone about this in the past. Not just at the beginning of each year but throughout my life and career. I thought back to the time I spent 8 months interviewing for something new. After a few months of rejections, it really made me take a beat and reflect. After a long conversation with a mentor of mine, I realized I needed to go back to the basics and define some values for myself:

  • What do I want now?

  • What do I want 3-5 years from now?

  • What makes me happy at work?

  • What makes me unhappy at work?

Just like the exercises we use in workshop methodologies like the Design Sprint or the Brand Sprint, we can go back to the basics, use a simple values framework, and perform our own little workshop for any decision in life.

In his article, Hardik does a great job of showing how you can apply this simple framework to determine if you're at the right workplace. He's broken down the suitable workplace into 3 fundamental values. After he figured out the 3 things that matter most for a workplace, he defined questions to help answer if those values are being met.

Sometimes, designers must remember to apply our knowledge and skills to ourselves and our lives. But I want to remind you that we should because of how easy it is and how powerful it can be!

Jan 1, 2024

Am I in the right place in my career?

I was reading this article by Hardik Pandya called "Are You at the Right Workplace?" and it got me thinking...

I've been evaluating things in my life, as we all do around the new year; I reflected on how I've gone about this in the past. Not just at the beginning of each year but throughout my life and career. I thought back to the time I spent 8 months interviewing for something new. After a few months of rejections, it really made me take a beat and reflect. After a long conversation with a mentor of mine, I realized I needed to go back to the basics and define some values for myself:

  • What do I want now?

  • What do I want 3-5 years from now?

  • What makes me happy at work?

  • What makes me unhappy at work?

Just like the exercises we use in workshop methodologies like the Design Sprint or the Brand Sprint, we can go back to the basics, use a simple values framework, and perform our own little workshop for any decision in life.

In his article, Hardik does a great job of showing how you can apply this simple framework to determine if you're at the right workplace. He's broken down the suitable workplace into 3 fundamental values. After he figured out the 3 things that matter most for a workplace, he defined questions to help answer if those values are being met.

Sometimes, designers must remember to apply our knowledge and skills to ourselves and our lives. But I want to remind you that we should because of how easy it is and how powerful it can be!

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